Sunday, March 23, 2008

Pak's coalition gov't speaking some sense, who could've guessed.

So there was an article today in Guardian about Pakistan's new "coalition government" claiming that they will be willing to "meet with the militants", as opposed to continue the violent confrontation that Musharraf had launched couple of years or so ago.

I personally don't think the new incumbents are doing this because somehow all of a sudden they have developed a concern for the 'good of the people' since they are the same individuals who have raped and pillaged Pakistan for decades. I think the change of heart occurred because they know that by continuing the current "strategy" of use of force, that the US has advocated and required of Pakistan since 9/11, they would only pitch Pakistan into a potential civil war. Being the smart thieves that they are, they know that no Pakistan = no looting!

No matter what the incentive, I think it's a step in the right direction. Would they keep to it or not, only time would tell...

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