Monday, March 24, 2008

Don't you love Google?

To quote:

"Notice here how Google's lobbying paid off for everyone: Verizon gets the airwaves it wanted. Google gets access to Verizon's customers, who will now be allowed to run the search company's apps on their phones. And we? Right, we get the freedom to do what we want on the wireless Internet. Thanks, Google."


  1. Google, you did good but can you get Verzon to unlock the Verizon phone to allow USB connection, allow us to put OpenSource software on it, then... adapt the SIMM card tech? Then I'll love Verizon too.

  2. dude if they did that, i'd switch out of Tmobile (which is pretty crappy), but the good thing is about GSM, since i have a symbian based unlocked phone, i could 'potentially' install 3rd party apps on it, although haven't easily found any free ones yet, ugh
