Thursday, September 25, 2008

Toilets to face away from Mecca for 2012 Olympics London

Another example of extent of superstition that has creeped into the psyche of our people:

"Toilet facilities are being built at London's Olympic Park so Muslims will not have to face Mecca while sitting on the loo.


Last year, thousands of pounds of taxpayers' money was used to ensure toilets at Brixton prison in London did not offend Islamic law."

I personally don't blame those who end up believing in this since ignorance is widespread, but the so-called scholars who advocate and/or tolerate this sort of nonsensical behavior should be smacked upside down over their heads.

Friday, September 19, 2008

I don't have his heart.

Pakistan is going to be the new Iraq, so to speak in the upcoming months, anyone watching the current news could see it coming.

How good would this be for the US, Pakistan and the rest of the world?

In this program, (I'm sorry but it's in Urdu) watch this guy who is a social worker from Bajour, Dr Khalil-ur-Rahman, describing how Pakistani helicopters bombed his car and where about 40 people got killed/injured and his son lost both legs (his picture is shown).

What's left me practically flabbergasted is how composed this guy still is and still claims "he loves Pakistan as his country".

Now, what will the free world do in the upcoming months to address thousands of parents like him? As a citizen of the so-called free world, I don't know.

But what I do know is that according to the locals of that area, barely ANY Talibans or Al Quaida's members have been killed in American and Pakistani bombings, they practically all have been civilians. The news reports claiming X number of terrorist died in so and so attacks is all hogwash.

I also know that the locals are swearing that the military solution will only devastate this area further, will kill more civilians, and will strengthen the terrorists by letting them take advantage of legitimate civilian anger.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Why McCain chose Palin?

People have been shocked/thrilled/disappointed by McCain's choice of Palin as his running mate. There have been several theories circulating in the media as to why did he choose her over other much more experienced and intelligent candidates, but the one theory that I think is the most viable and that jumped at me the moment I saw her was about:

1) Youth (especially compared to McCain)
2) Sex (Hillary set a precedence that Palin could benefit from)

Looks matter a lot more than people think in American elections, and McCain knew that he had lost battle to Obama. So the only chance he had was the VP and he availed it! Which seemed to have worked too, to some extent.

However, I think, come November and Obama will destroy McCain in the debates and will win, hands down, unless something big happens within the next 2 months, dramatically changing the status quo. It's not a coincidence that American forces are moving from Iraq to Pak/Afghan border right about now.

What exactly that drama is going to be is anyone's guess ... but I'll have my popcorn ready, and I suggest you do too, after all it's once in a 4 year occasion so might as well enjoy it :)