Friday, March 14, 2008

Asif Zardari is acquitted, go fabulous Pakistani justice!

Asif Zardari (the husband of recently assassinated Benazir Bhutto), one of the most corrupt officials Pakistan has ever known, has been acquitted of all charges. Just so happens that the same man is known as Mr. 10% in Pakistan for taking massive kickbacks, not to mention the famous incident where he tied a bomb to a businessman's ankle to make him go to the bank and withdraw money to give to Zardari.

Now Zardari can run for an office, including Pakistan's Prime Ministership!

And so the comedy of fucked up Pakistani justice continues...


  1. well the governme nt of Pakistan tried for almost 14 years in total and wasted billions of Pakistani peoples money and kept a guy in jail for over 11 years and still not able to proof ONE single charge.
    I think thats real shameful

  2. Actually iIt wasn't that they weren't able to, but that they decided not to. By "they" it means "Musharraf" of course.
